Impact on veterans
like your spouse

Since 9/11, more American soldiers have died from PTSD-caused suicide than from the War on Terror.
Over 30,000 suicides
7,000 combat deaths
How combat trauma harms veterans

6.2% of veterans
1.3 million people in 2019

13% of homeless are veterans
Another 1.5 million are at risk
Over 600,000 U.S. veterans have PTSD
And more will commit suicide until we do something. This has created the single greatest mental health crisis in U.S. history.
You and your veteran are not alone, and there is no shame in what you are experiencing. The problem you face is sadly very common. Fortunately there are others who have overcome these difficulties.

The good news: psychedelic programs can help

They help reset and increase neural connections allowing the brain to develop new thought patterns and let go of old traumatic ones.

Heroic Hearts Project helps veterans address their military trauma with a research-proven psychedelic retreat program.
Learn more about HHP programs for veterans.
The latest research shows that our programs are 80% effective vs. standard 10% effectiveness.

HHP just conducted a large observational study of over 400 veterans in real-world, HHP program settings.
If you’ve tried traditional PTSD therapies without success, don’t give up hope. These new substances are 8 times more effective than standard treatments of talk therapy and prescription medications. Apply now for a psychedelic retreat, check out HHP program offerings.